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From the SAMOS Blog

How to return e-com packages like a pro!

How to return e-com packages like a pro!

Having an easy to use returns process for your customers is vital for the growth of your e-commerce business. Here we show you how returns novice Lizzie increased sales and turned her business around with the help of SAMOS.

Picture of Simon Perkins

Simon Perkins

Commercial Director at SAMOS

How was ‘Mail-back Monday for you?

How was ‘Mail-back Monday for you?

Just another manic Monday or busier than usual? Mail-back Monday was supposed to be the busiest day of the season for online Christmas present returns. How did you cope and how can you make returns easier during peak times in future?

Picture of Simon Perkins

Simon Perkins

Commercial Director at SAMOS

Shipping to Australia

How to ship to Australia

In this article we look at the online sales opportunity in Australia and show just how easy it is to build sales and ship there. Even though it seems so far away if you're not selling and shipping to Australia - you're missing out!

Picture of Simon Perkins

Simon Perkins

Commercial Director at SAMOS