Australia returns service

How to create a parcel return service from Australia

Delivering to Australia? Don’t forget to check your returns policy because you can bet 72% of Australians will before they buy.

Australia may seem like a long way to send your goods, but with a rapidly growing e-commerce market over there, it might just be worth it. Before you do, consider how you’ll get your parcels back if things don’t work out.

With the eleventh largest e-commerce market in the world and growing, there’s good reason to consider Australia as your next shipping destination. There is a healthy appetite for purchasing goods online there too, particularly for clothes and shoes.

Australians aren’t restricted to shopping locally either. According to Australia Post, the UK currently accounts for about 14% of overseas e-commerce purchases. And don’t forget all the expats living there – they are a long way from home, but they still have an affinity to British brands and associated products.

Before you get ahead of yourself though, have you thought about returns? This may not be high up on your agenda when considering a new market audience, but we think it’s something you’ll want to consider sooner rather than later.

#Why offer a returns service for Australian customers?

Research released in 2020 by global e-commerce tech provider, Doddle, found that returns options play a pivotal role in consumer’s purchasing decisions. According to the survey, 72% of Australians check a returns policy before committing to a purchase. The study also revealed that 41% of Australian consumers have stopped shopping with a particular retailer altogether due to a poor online returns process.

These clear statistics both point to one thing: Ensuring a positive returns experience is important for your business’s reputation and to your bottom-line sales.

Having a clearly defined returns policy upfront on your website will help reassure your customers and instil confidence in your brand.

#How do I return a parcel from Australia back to the UK?

Handling individual returns from Australia back to the UK can cause you headaches. It can also be highly unreliable, which will ultimately damage your reputation. Partnering with a shipping company will help you to regulate the system and simplify the process for both you and your customers.

Shop around to find the right shipping partner fit. You may want to consider reliability, costs, delivery times and whether there will be someone on hand to help manage issues if things go awry.

Keep returns simple. The smoother the process, the more likely a customer is to come back to you again.

SAMOS provides a fully managed returns portal that seamlessly integrates with your website and handles everything including import taxes. We designed our returns service with our e-commerce partners in mind, keeping the front and back-end mechanics simple, so both you and your customer can navigate the process with ease.

#How much does it cost to return packages from Australia to the UK?

The best part is that returns from Australia don’t even have to be expensive. With the right shipping partner, you can work together to streamline the procedure and keep costs down. Here at SAMOS, for example, we can return an item from Australia to the UK that weighs under one kilo for as little as £11.03.

So, if you’re thinking of delivering to Australia – and with all that e-commerce growth potential why wouldn’t you – make sure you have a reliable returns policy in place. Ask yourself: Is my returns policy obvious? Is the process easy to navigate? And are there any obstacles that could put my customer off coming back to me? If you have a returns policy and process that ticks all these boxes, you are well on your way to securing more customers in Australia.

SAMOS provides simple and reliable returns from all over the world. For more details on returning items from Australia get in touch.

Who is SAMOS?

SAMOS is parcel logistics company based in London, specialising in creating and engineering customer-focussed e-commerce parcel delivery and returns solutions.

What our customers are saying

SAMOS customers had difficulties shipping into the EU and beyond - until they found SAMOS.

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