Customer stories:

In 2016, Camtraptions was born out of a shared passion for creating technical solutions to capture rare and awe-inspiring moments in nature.

Since then, wildlife photographer Matt Burrard-Lucas and his partner have built a growing niche business delivering remote and camera trap equipment to fellow enthusiasts all over the world.

But when new EU trading arrangements threatened to destabilise customer loyalty, Matt knew he needed to take action to protect their business. That is when he got in touch with SAMOS.

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 I think our customers EU are really happy with their deliveries. We’re certainly getting lots of repeat orders, which is a good sign.

Camtraptions deliver all over the world to places where there is some amazing wildlife. The EU is a big part of that market and shipping there was easy to begin with. But it was when the UK left the EU that the issues started.

Very quickly we ran into problems. Our orders go to many countries all over the EU, and so we started encountering various levels of reliability across all of them. Some customers were being charged unexpected duties and handling fees on delivery, some were experiencing long delays, and lots of orders were getting returned to us with duties unpaid.”

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We had customers getting in touch with us to say they were really unhappy.

“The biggest issue we felt was that our customers were starting to lose confidence in us at the very start of the buying process. They didn’t know what they would be charged, or if they could rely on the product arriving.

In an attempt to find a solution, I started investigating shipping companies that offered delivery duties paid (DDP) options. What I didn’t like about that was the lack of transparency. It was unclear what we would be billed upfront and so we were faced with having to either bill customers retrospectively or cover the costs ourselves.

I had in mind a better way of doing it – where all our shipments would go through customs in one country in the EU and charged with one set of rates. So I started looking online for a similar solution and, lo and behold, I found SAMOS! Right there on their website was a description of exactly what I wanted.

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I was quite excited to find the solution with SAMOS – and it worked.

“The main thing with our customers is reliability – they just want to know their parcel will arrive at the right time, without unexpected charges, and not go missing. I would say there was a dip in sales after the Brexit transition period. Things then picked up after we started shipping with SAMOS. It has been really smooth."

“With SAMOS, you can see exactly what you get charged for shipping and exactly what you get billed. It’s working really nicely.”

To find out how SAMOS can support you with your delivery challenges,

contact us for a friendly, no-obligation chat.